Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Moving on...UP!

So goes the story of life, she thought, that as soon as one feels comfortable... then WHAM! it all changes... again. 

I am pleased to announce I'm available to work on Thursdays and/or Fridays.  I am no longer with Parkview Dentistry in Fountain Hills. We had a professional conflict of interest on top of a major miscommunication and I am so thankful to not have to drive 1 1/2 hours per day to work! (On top of 9 1/2 hours there) it was Way too much time away from my family.  I'm temping currently for a friend who is lucky enough to be on maternity leave. That will continue until the end of June then I will be simply and sweetly employed exclusively by Dr. Michael J. Smith of Mesa, AZ.

Many lessons have been learned as I work through this "economic downturn" a.k.a. RECESSION (I don't know why the government sugarcoats it).  I know what is important, I know what I want, and I am learning, thanks to recent events, how to get what I want that's important.  It's a tough lesson, but when I grow up it will definitely be worth it.

More to come, but for now, I must go back to work... YAY!